Production Design & Art Direction |
Art Department Filmography:
Production Designer:
A Visit, Directed by Zhenyuan Shi
Cicadas, Directed by Evan Murray
Graffiti, Directed by Antonio Mendez
The Shopkeeper, Directed by Rachel Lambert
Drive High, Get a D.U.I., Directed by Elizabeth Demmon
Hair Trigger, Directed by Taylor Schafer
Haunted (Music Video), Directed by Zhenyuan Shi
Unweaving (Music Video) Directed by Rachel Lambert
Edward & His Chocolate, Directed by Grace Gao
Porcupine, Directed by Clifford Miu
No Blood, Directed by Nick Carlson
Art Director:
The Conduits, Directed by Joshua Tong
Love & Other Monsters, Directed by Antonio Mendez
My Life as Morgan (Ep 1 & 2)
Art Assistant:
Lotus, Directed by Kazuki Akiba
SeID, Directed by Clarence Deng
The Ninth, Directed by Nick Liem
Something Red, Directed by Ayesha Aslam
Bagdad, Florida (Pilot)